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Everything You Need to Know About Composting Waste

Everything You Need to Know About Composting Waste

Composting Waste Composting waste is one of the most important parts of how to deal with trash. It is recommended because it is a natural way to help get rid of the trash we make at home. The main idea behind composting is to take all of our trash and let it rot and break…


Polystyrene Recycling Benefits

Polystyrene Recycling Benefits

Recycling is the best way to deal with trash. So recycling polystyrene is important for both people and the environment. Styrofoam is another well-known name for polystyrene. It is also a great way to pack food, which cuts down on the need for plastic. There are different kinds of polystyrene, such as expanded polystyrene (EPS),…


What are the advantages of recycling metal?

What are the advantages of recycling metal?

Metal recycling reduces pollution, saves resources, and reduces trash to landfills. Metal recycling is better for the environment. It saves natural resources by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to recycling metal, creating new metal yields the least amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Metal recycling saves energy in many ways: 92% for aluminium, 90% for copper,…


How to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

How to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

With only our daily walk in the park and the completion of all of our home improvement projects to keep us entertained. Taking up new home improvement projects with an environmental focus is a great way to improve your quality of life now and in the future. Make a difference with these simple tips. Compost…


Overflowing Waste – How is it Affecting you and the Environment?

Overflowing Waste – How is it Affecting you and the Environment?

Plastic, food and household waste contribute to a significant rise in waste issues. Many homes, businesses and public spaces in cities and towns across the country are struggling with overflowing waste. So, what are the effects of this excessive waste on you and the environment? Read on to find out. Organic and Inorganic Waste Organic…


4 Reasons Why Proper Rubbish Disposal Is Important

A Quick Guide to Mattress Disposal

When it comes to mattresses and home accessories, each individual out there is aware that at one point or another, they will need to get rid of it once it completes its entire life cycle. However, most people will agree that mattress disposal is quite an intimidating chore—here is a complete guide to taking you…


What is Hoarding?

What is Hoarding?

We’re all familiar with the concept of hoarding, and it’s prompted many of our clients at Rubbish Disposal to wonder – am I a hoarder? Well, in the lines below, we take a closer look at hoarding, and at what the tell-tale signs of hoarding might be. It’s interesting to note that while we’re all…


Chrismas rubbish dos and don'ts

Disposing of Christmas Rubbish? Here’s How!

One of the busiest times of the year for rubbish disposing companies is, undoubtedly, the holiday season. Everything from leftovers to Christmas wrapping, to bad presents (kidding!) makes its way into the bin once the holiday season is over, and that can be quite an overload of rubbish. So in this article, our team at…


Everything You Need to Know about Rubbish

Everything You Need to Know about Rubbish Disposal

One thing that property-owners often disregard are their rubbish disposal duties. However, it is important to understand what makes rubbish disposal important, as well as the part you play in this process, in order to keep everything running smoothly. In the lines below, we talk about everything you’ve ever wanted to know about rubbish disposal,…


How do you get rid of a fridge?

How do you get rid of a fridge?

Disposing of faulty or old appliances can be a difficult and laborious process. It’s not like you can just leave a dead fridge on the side of the curb, and the surprising truth is many homeowners just don’t know what to do with a broken fridge. Since we’ve gotten this question quite often, we’ve decided…
